New Wine - Introduction

As we begin 2024, we desire that you make these study guides into something you do every day. Spiritual growth and development take discipline and a deep desire to continue to work. These resources, both this guide and the Abide Daily Podcast, are tools that will help you along this journey.

This tool is used to prepare you to hear the sermon and is to be used along with the weekly study guide for small groups to get the complete benefit for you and those you study with. However, if you are doing this alone, then this guide, along with the companion Abide podcast, will grow you toward a deeper understanding of discipleship as you develop both your spiritual awareness and your academic knowledge of the texts we study each week.

The writing/teaching team at Crosswalk works hard to make sure these guides will ask pertinent questions, have relevant illustrations, and will also allow you to reflect on what God is saying to you throughout these series. We are excited about where God is leading us this year, and we can’t wait for you to come along for the journey.

- Pastor Timothy Gillespie & Teaching Team for Crosswalk 

Download a PDF Version of our Series Guide

The Abide Daily Podcast Begins January 1

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