Belonging - Day 33
on February 6th, 2025
Matthew 8:12 But many Israelites—those for whom the Kingdom was prepared—will be thrown into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”13 Then Jesus said to the Roman officer, “Go back home. Because you believed, it has happened.” And the young servant was healed that same hour.Jesus was willing to heal the man’s servant because of the overwhelming faith that this man show...  Read More
Belonging - Day 32
on February 5th, 2025
Matthew 8:11 And I tell you this, that many Gentiles will come from all over the world—from east and west—and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven. What an amazing prophecy. And what a statement of belonging! What Jesus is saying is clear. The kingdom of Heaven is for everyone, not just for the Jews. Its gates are wide open to any who would believe, and the...  Read More
Belonging - Day 31
on February 4th, 2025
Mathew 8:10 When Jesus heard this, he was amazed. Turning to those who were following him, he said, “I tell you the truth, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel! 11 And I tell you this, that many Gentiles will come from all over the world—from east and west—and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven. As the story continues, Jesus finds himself at a los...  Read More
Belonging - Day 30
on February 3rd, 2025
Matthew 8:7 Jesus said, “I will come and heal him.” 8 But the officer said, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come into my home. Just say the word from where you are, and my servant will be healed. 9 I know this because I am under the authority of my superior officers, and I have authority over my soldiers. I only need to say, ‘Go,’ and they go, or ‘Come,’ and they come. And if I say to my slaves...  Read More
Belonging - Day 29
on February 2nd, 2025
5 When Jesus returned to Capernaum, a Roman officer came and pleaded with him, 6 “Lord, my young servant lies in bed, paralyzed and in terrible pain.”I have always loved this interchange. This is a man who has some clout and importance and is willing to break with protocol in order to take care of one of his servants. Jesus immediately shows his willingness to serve and heal, yet the man knows tha...  Read More
Belonging - End of Week 4
on February 1st, 2025
INTRODUCTIONThe following is a guide to help facilitate discussion between you and the person you’re studying with or with your Connect Group. Feel free to add, subtract, or change questions to fit the conversation, and pray for the Spirit to lead in all things.OPEN QUESTIONSOk, so have you ever experienced an encounter with what you considered was evil? What was it and what happened?HEADRead Mark...  Read More